Friday, March 25, 2011

Syphilis Short Term Affects

Wanda Rolon Heaven I did not enter either interested

More surprised me the capacity for intolerance of the leaders of small churches and fundamentalist cults that proliferate like mushrooms on the island today is another example of the hypocrisy of the Wanda Rolon whose narcissism is truly amazing. As long as the portray and to bring legislators to the Capitol these mosquito brain says whatever it takes to bring media attention, such Maripily. His most recent statements were that as homosexuals (as Ricky Martin), "homosexuals have no entry to heaven." That stupid

brought me to mind the remote time when the Catholic Church proclaimed that outside there was no salvation. Those times were overcome from the wonderful and never forgotten Pope John XXIII.

But it also reminds me of something even more remote and this is what happened during the first period of the XV century English conquest. According to the story that makes Josefina Oliva de Coll in his book Indigenous resistance to the conquest , when the chief Hatuey Cuban English troops captured him and he would be burned at the stake:

"I prepared the fire , ready to be ignited fire, a priest tries to convert and baptize the chief. Hatuey asked why he wants to make it Christian, why you want is equal to the English who are ill. The priest explains that being baptized can go to heaven. Became "the boss asked," if Christians went to heaven, "said the father who did go were good. Then the chief Hatuey flatly refused to be named to avoid meeting. This happened while they wanted and then burn and set fire to wood and burned .

With "Christians" as Wanda Rolon dominating the entrance to heaven, the truth I do not want to go where she is. But I think I may send her to another place.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Chocolate Wrapping For Cake

The movie "America," worth watching

confess that I

reluctant to see the movie based on the novel by Esmeralda Santiago, "The Dream of America" \u200b\u200bI was very good when I read it. I always think too much before seeing the Puerto Rican productions (except Jacobo Morales or those of Marcos Zurinaga ) because most of the time me down, as the vaunted "Maldeamores" I was terrible. So "America" \u200b\u200bwas a surprise because it seemed very well made, well directed (by Sonia Fritz), and especially well acted.

an interesting movie I think at this stage in the history of Puerto Rico and the United States. The fact that the protagonist is Vieques and flee to New York escaping a abusive lover who becomes the metaphor for what happened in Vieques for so many decades of abuse by the U.S. Navy. At the end of the movie (unlike the novel) that the news story closes with the end of the bombing in Vieques.

The scenes of the protagonist with his family in the Bronx illuminates the experience of Diaspora Boricua in New York and it is inevitable to recognize how much we have in common which were and those who stayed. The audience laughed with dialogue, gestures and expressions so typical of our, which is not lost even if the moon is born: to be Puerto Rican, although they speak in Spanglish.

On the other hand, dramatizes the situation of immigrants in the United States in scenes of great emotion (but without falling into melodrama) as when American and Mexican friends stopped their work in a Laundromat to sing "Las Mañanitas" to honor the birthday of his absent son in Mexico.

worth watching. I say if they match or not.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Allusions About Helios

The "Puerto Rico Daily Sun 'review the Report of the Task Force committing a falsehood about the role of English in Puerto Rico currently

In the article published yesterday on the report struck me that the reporter Frank McCourt writes:

Recognizes That The Task Force, if ADMITTED Were Puerto Rico as a State, the Inglés Would Need language to play a central role in the daily life of the island - As it does today.

I thought it was a mistake and that what he meant was "Not as it does today." But it seems that what we want is for the "Beyond" believe in the lie promoted by the administration of Fortuño of Puerto Rico that are bilingual and they can all read the newspaper that published the news.

is obvious that if Puerto Rico was admitted as a state (only credible science-fiction) English would become the main language, as it is in all U.S. states. But I do not know where he gets Raúl Colón that today English is a central part of daily life of the island, with all that is taught from elementary school. That has mayors who have signs in English does not eliminate the fact that less than 40 percent of the population knows the language and so the films must be subtitled in English in theaters, programs or movies English are dubbed into local television and even in Guaynabo City English is spoken. Not even know English mayors, legislators and elected by the party seeking statehood for the island. Remember the famous letter in English (in March last year) NPP Sen. Roberto Arango Congress riddled with errors of any kind or excuse to put the Representative Jorge Navarro after leaving a video fondling a woman in a party in Kentucky.

Before I say I am against that speak English, I should clarify that I support the promotion of English as a second language and to finally find a way to teach it properly to handle it more Puerto Ricans. Not because it is the language of the nation to which we subject but because it is the most important language in the world today. More than anything it is the language of half of our population in the Diaspora Boricua.

As the famous report itself, I agree with the statement made by Elco Lao in his blog and Ramón López on yours.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

How Can I Find Jirachi

Pachín Marín, Puerto Rican poet must not forget I came out

Francisco Gonzalo "Pachín" Marin is a poet I admired and as born in March, I remember and pay homage. Pachín is not as studied and appreciated as Puerto Ricans and other poets is probably due to the fact that more than a poet was a man of action, a revolutionary who was expressed in poems (as well as stories and newspapers) and died in exile while participated in the war of independence of Cuba. It was also he had the idea to design the flag of Puerto Rico with inverted colors of the flag of the sister island. To Pachín as Lola Rodriguez de Tio, both were "the two wings of a bird." Take his story (which is like for a movie) and some of his poetry.

Pachín Marín was born in Arecibo un March 12, 1863 in a humble home but that discussed the history of the country, was praised figure Betances and after 5 years listening to his parents express their Despite failure after the Grito de Lares then glorify what happened in Yara (Cuba), for the same date. His father was a respected journalist's brother Ramon Marin and both grandmothers were black. Being mulatto caused severe trauma as seen in some poems. With little formal education, was rather self-taught (like many in the nineteenth century) as to their work as a typographer in press developed a taste for reading. Was also a musician and journalist. But above all, a patriot.

His first political commitment was the autonomist after participating in the famous meeting at which the party was founded in Teatro La Perla de Ponce on March 7, 1887 under the leadership of Castro Baldorioty. His enthusiasm led him to devote Baldorioty a book of poems entitled "My Pence" and his return to Arecibo founded a newspaper, "The coachman" to spread the ideas autonomy. But this movement had kept pace with that of The Boicotizadora and the government broke the terrible persecution of the autonomy that is known in our history as a "terrible year." Pachín will feel threatened and forced to flee to Santo Domingo where the time is jailed and expelled by the dictator Lilís for daring to criticize him. Going to Venezuela where he plays the dictator and the same fate having to flee to Martinique, then to St. Thomas and finally gets back to Puerto Rico with the help of several townspeople. He settled in Ponce where republication "The coachman" triggering a chase that forced him out in the final exile in Puerto Rico.

In New York is a member of the Revolutionary Junta of Cuba and Puerto Rico, meets and close friend of José Martí who help in the revolutionary propaganda. After two years, for reasons unknown to Haiti will be able to start a club where revolutionary but must return to New York in 1896. There he learns not only the death of Martí fought in Cuba but that of his brother Wenceslas, and decides to join the Cuban struggle under the command of Gen. Maximo Gomez. His death is not fighting but because ill with malaria in the middle of the swamp of Turiguanó in the Cuban jungle and not to stop their partners asked them to leave him in a hammock strung between two mangroves. The following month they returned to fetch his skeleton found in the hammock clutching his rifle. To date no one knows where their remains lie. The details of his horrific death a blogger publishes Cuban province of Villa Clara who makes several tributes to our poet martyr. She feels ashamed that fellow (Cuban) I have left to their fate but it is clear that Pachín begged them to go ahead and leave him.

For his poetry, what is striking is their spontaneity and sincerity without regard to formalities, is quintessential Romantic poet and his poetry is aggressive, strong and expressive, rebellious and committed. Poeticized Pachín Betances ideas but above all communicating all the events of his life through the poems which are almost autobiographical. Among these stand three poems: "The Nightingale" (a metaphor of patriotism), "The Emissary" (imitates a poem by Martí in which the heroes and the dead come to life, the theme is "continue the struggle") and my favorite " My father. " In the latter Pachín lets you know your parent is going to go to the fight and explains his reasons and in so doing defines himself as a patriot, a poet and as a son. It goes like this amazing poem that describes better than any other:

there in my life a waste vendabal curse
do not know, nor regret, and I
him as chest pain,
the sword to the hilt, the arena the bull.

My pen of writer, educated or wild
the weapon is wielded my ideas;
to me that at the cost of
outrage does not seem well-being: a crime.

In other relent with
infamous indecency on the occasion of the imminent risk.
I do I always go
duty calls and once on the site should not bias.

The Muslim
resign themselves to fate and I have never, in the midst of my mourning
I picking my way
gap with own efforts and without looking at the sky.

Fatherland "moans the eternal orphan
his throat while a knot press?
it no longer hear your concerns paternal
I understand that my country only groan.

Ay! Hubiéraseme given more than name,
a happy country and hospitable as I'd
man and no pattern of degraded outcast.

Fear not. I love
cooing and return the well ciphered my pride.
champion It has become your child!
In storm became his lullaby!

When the wreck, if it comes-
think my honor that brave captain,
be the first blind
the storm and the last step on the bridge.

1. Cifredo Figueroa, Patria, Pachín Marin: Hero and Poet (San Juan: Puerto Rican Culture Institute, 1967)
2. Puerto Rican Literature course notes that I took with Dr. Ramón Luis Acevedo at the Centre for Advanced Studies of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean.