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What to do before the tear gas


Tear gas: What to do What are they?

These gases are hydrocarbon compounds and therefore soluble in fat than their effects are used to disperse demonstrations. These are chemical weapons.

What are its effects?

tear gases cause redness of the eyes, spasms of the eyelids to close, tearing, irritation of the airways causing shortness of breath, cough, nausea and vomiting. On the skin may cause burns.

What can we do to prevent or lessen its effects?

In terms of clothing, are not suitable genres such as flannel or the like, as the perspiration enhances the effect of gas. Similarly, it is inappropriate to wear small clothes that leave the skin on display. In the case have long hair, it should collect under a hat or scarf, as the gas permeates the hair, prolonging its effect. If possible, do not wear contact lenses.

running If your kit does not include anti-gas mask, we recommend a handkerchief soaked in vinegar for cover your nose and mouth. For added protection you can wear a mask or a surgeon's mask painter and put out his handkerchief with vinegar. If vinegar fails, you soak the tissue in water or soaked in lemon juice. The damp cloth is able to filter the gases more effectively. In any case, the tissue or cloth, should not be too big nor too thick, as this would hamper his breathing.

can use ammonia-saturated cotton. Strongly aspirational and helps clear the airways. Its use should be spaced in time and limited in their doses (one or two applications). People with asthma or other respiratory diseases, is preferable to refrain from its use. As the ammonia evaporates quickly, it is necessary to have one or more persons carrying a container with the item.

is also some use sucking lemon wedges. Salt can be applied under the eyes, absorbing the secretion of tear tear generating gs. Swimmer lenses or goggles are a good eye protection.

The effects of tear gas can be harmful to the fetus, so if you are pregnant or suspect you join us from home.

Tear gas can induce asthma episodes, so if you have asthma, bring your inhaler and leave the event at the first sign of tear gas. Similar care should be a person who suffers from heart disease.

Although it is assumed otherwise, avoid smoking during mobilization, decreasing the respiratory capacity, which are affected by the gas.

What to do with a tear gas attack?

In general, it is possible to determine when the attack is imminent, at that time and especially in public, try to determine the existence of breeze or wind, and direction. This helps to avoid the most successful gas.

The first reaction to the firing of tear gas must be calm. Given the characteristics of projectile, size and design mean a greater air resistance, so there is a period of time in which one can note the direction and possible location of the bomb drop. Of course, this depends on the type of pump, the distance the police from demonstrators and shooting angle which the projectile was fired (in a straight line or a parabola). In any case, it is essential not to lose sight of the missile or its wake, not to give back to the police and not run. Before firing a tear gas bomb may fall back quickly, without losing control. All this aims to try to prevent the bullet hits the body.

protection of the nose and mouth starts when fired tear gas, not when they have fallen in the vicinity and have started to expand the gas, the goal is to inhale as little as possible of it.

Neutralization of tear gas can be attempted in various ways: by covering it with a thick cloth and wet by covering it with earth, submerged in a container with water fast burning combustion material located very close to the tear gas canister. For all purposes, it should take teargas industrial gloves or coarse wet cloth to prevent burns. Any of these methods requires a rapid response capacity, because gas expands with speed. This implies that the implements required for neutralization should be prepared in advance and defined the responsibility for this task.

Return of teargas bombs can be carried by hand or foot. In both cases there are risks: to return the hand pump, gas envelop who throw; to do with the foot, the direction of travel of the pump is often uncertain. Overall, in two ways, the end result is more symbolic than concrete, since gas continues to spread and extent of the return does not usually go beyond fifty yards.

In any event, try to leave the affected area, looking for fresh air. If the tear gas surrounding the people everywhere or is in a pocket closed, unable to leave, do not run or shaken, and that respiratory activity increases, making breathing more gas. The question must throw to the floor, eyes closed and breathing through cloth or tissue. The gas tends to rise, and should be expected that status at the position described. It is one of the most extreme situations and requires the affected maintains a large control nerves. In this circumstance is likely to emerge like throwing up, try not to cough (if that is possible) because this will make breathing more gas, you should not open their eyes and less touch them, as this allows greater gas absorption.

If possible, after a tear gas attack, try to find an area with fresh air. It is convenient to relax the body activity, sitting or lying on the floor, breathing deeply the air. If possible, it should anguage mouth with water and clean the nostrils. No need to wet the rest of the face and under the eyes, because it increases the effect of the gas.

Finally, to return home There used to remove clothing in the event as expeditiously as possible, especially if the children are home. When bathing, to remove waste gases in the skin, it should not rub

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Missions Press readers and activists