Friday, August 29, 2008

How To Put Money In Money Clip

Just me and my mind ..

's cold out there, is my favorite season,
effect of this fall leaves that are already dead,
opens the door, delusions and dreams

carrying limbs, minds unfathomable experiences provide short address, without torture, but depressing
albeit expert,
is what matters,
and therefore the choice of the complex case is absorbed
your mind and free from any blame
spits everything you have or carry with you,
looking for a north
or better than that, Be guided by your senses
only view your mind will, I ask
give it a real use is strictly prohibited on this
coloring with fractions, ornaments
hostile environment is even a little dry, thin and continuous
new air we breathe and have some of that ice, who?
will do to change what can not be
and less if they have entertained distracting, too absurd and gross
but still dramatic, obese
or something like that psychological disorders, revealed that only the foregoing,
something logical?, As no!
and no way of calming this
really like the fire that lights up and incinerated revivals
but this is more than is that,
is something cold, dry and sad,
causing shivering, thirst, and even some
tears more rustic analogy is more basic and primary

complex yet unanswered
nobody and nothing will because there is no question? while tremendous?
itself says so, we've done with this?
this or that and no matter the genre, I do not think that the concept
only rough because so much weight has
am nothing and I have clear my message in these lyrics

'll be anything ..

nothing else will! ...

is more difficult to breathe with a knot to tie him to quit "

be ..



change the subject?

answers only ..

want to know more ..

hide ..

show ..


Is Face Threading Safe

Ladies Chaco

Source: Northern Journal.

Somebody Hacked My Dongle


Ties between assumptions that have clear meanings to expressions
foolish words eventually matured in oak barrels like the best wine
contrasting scenes in dreams or intentions argued and other books and studies on ideal
marked as scars that remain after a war in history
or near death that caused that pain more intense inside the gully
soul everything that found its way as does diseases of society
terminal character and exhausting resources, and life to your breaths while moving great and strong supported
by thoughts idiots who dream of owning more power and even your life.
The devil is not somewhere else rather than here and have purchased millions of lives Zoombie
of that act without thinking and no longer thought to act, regarded as zeros and ones digits
dance with the sad melancholy melody hummed by rubbing the
metal and the sound off and with tears of smoke emanating from the places where dance
sadly accepted without complaints, prompted by an unprecedented force and indomita
and is the same life, that blows between the bones and the same cold it feels like to accept,
strong ties and knots are tied clutching something without any sense for only crumbs
false-color synthetic scents and tastes worse gradually and intelligently propagated
usual silent witness to this change was careful and did nothing to see its power as well as trembling
and increasingly accepted his forces in silence and increasingly unfair treatment that was custom
and no one was able to lift his head and yell ...


Friday, August 22, 2008

How Much Does It Cost To Replace Shutters


Photos © Lucio.

Friday, August 15, 2008

What Colour Shag Band Is What


All photos © Lucio.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Chair Flight Simulator

"Son de Madera ..." Lapachos

All photos © Lucio.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Is One Pimple On The Vergina Herpes

All photos © Lucio.
Lapachos, Spring forward, which will arrive in about two months ... Or before?.