Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What Are Complex Canker Sores?

The cover story of "El Vocero" pure tabloid

A story that should have been home in the Catholic newspaper The Visitor finds place in a supposedly secular newspaper had already made clear his disreputable past. This is reversed rapidly to the Middle Ages. Under the headline "The Exorcist" is featured a huge photo of a Catholic priest whose main contribution to our country is being "the greatest ally of God and the Catholic Church in Puerto Rico for the daily struggle against evil." This is not no small-town priest, but the pastor of San Jose de Villa Caparra Guaynabo, one of the busiest churches in Puerto Rico who describes himself as "Exorcist."

amazing thing is that the pseudo journalist who writes, a certain Rafi Rivera, does not distinguish between what is a matter for those who follow these beliefs and readers who expect a minimum of truth in what they read in newspapers. More amazing still is that newspaper publishers have given the relevance to a cover story.

For sample see the first paragraphs of Article in the words of which he writes, before quoting the "Exorcist"

Beyond what many think, and in the XXI century is the presence of the Devil palpable and confirmed annually among all sectors of the country.

The Devil is among us, so close that this exists in Puerto Rico an official list of 100 people waiting for an exorcism.

in the XXI century, no matter the place, the Devil can make an appearance physics from a school, workplace or in full within the family.

The problem is so real and palpable, which the Archdiocese of San Juan remains active throughout the year his team of Liberation and Healing. Its primary mission is to drive people to the Devil himself, which owns and sometimes takes over places and environmental areas.

I do not understand is the importance of this phenomenon in the Catholic Church as it is not another attempt to compete with fundamentalist churches who emphasize a lot on "the evil one." With that terrorize their faithful and I know there are little children who have nightmares about being exposed to sermons in which instead of talking about the love of Christ that is the recurring fear of the devil. I grew up in the Catholic Church and there was talk of sin but do not remember fear to frighten us with the devil.

Then we wonder why there is so much mental illness in Puerto Rico and why having more churches than almost anywhere else in the world, the country has such a high crime rate, violence, drug and alcohol and many other ills. According to the same church, now it is neither social inequality or poverty or drugs, or the terrible dependency on a huge sector of the population, and rampant corruption (which includes fundamentalist pastors and many churches), or that suffer bad government. Not so. It is the devil. Well, you should start by exorcising the Fortress, the Legislature and many municipalities.

But back to El Vocero, after this news I decided to cancel my subscription today. That's not serious journalism and deserves our condemnation.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Showering Cheerleaders

The output of a puppet to put a worse on UPR

Once again friend Estrada Kike me solve the problem of what to publish a cartoon that, as always, is worth a thousand words. But for those who just arrived from Mars that kicks just give up the presidency of the University of Puerto Rico's José Ramón de la Torre who say they "dared" to ask out police campus. The decision-maker and was denying the waiver to the media is Ygrí Rivera, president of the Board of Cynics, say trustees. But as she is the boss, run directly by Rodriguez Ema from Fortaleza, which sounds for president is even worse, if possible. Read what a teacher says on one of those "candidates" who include the current leadership hated.

is assumed that the Board of Trustees need to appoint a search committee and consultation if it respects the law. That is because these people will see part of a totalitarian mentality and even disguise of democracy.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

How To Know A Verrucca Is Gone

Irreversible damage to nature in Puerto Rico: very good column

Entitled "Wanting" (bit shocking for some should not have been she who put it), Mayra Montero presents the reality that we face in our beautiful little island says many of the ills that are happening in Puerto Rico are painful but the country can recover them. The only thing that is irreversible is the damage to nature. I quote parts of the spine:

What is however in a lifetime damage is done to her nature. In such cases there is no going back, which is ruined not be renewed more than ever. No recovery possible after it wipes out a forest, overturn a body of water or fill a wetland, and the resulting plane is covered with cement. The word hypocrite and appeal in this picture is mitigation. Sweep around here, but trees planted there. Moreover, two saplings for each felled trunk, in extreme generosity. However, most of the time, worth and are irreplaceable are falling. And not needed elsewhere, but precisely where they were.

That is the urgent need to defend now that by the grace of greed, and partisan give and take has been checked out. But the problem is that so many fronts, many concerns about many issues, it is almost impossible that people can put all your attention and energy on key issues such as the damage that will cause the pipeline, if built ; or intermittent claw has been receiving Karst area, and those that are coming up.

Last Tuesday, without going any further, it was released a letter from a consulting firm hired by Tourism Company, which specify the sites to be of "free" to build hotels and shopping centers in areas of the Northeast Ecological Corridor.

Sometimes the same people who travel to jungle areas of Central or South America (Costa Rica, Panama, Brazil) and marveling at the integrated tourism projects to nature, blending with their surroundings, they also enjoy a great host, are then to Puerto Rico can not imagine anything other than the devastation, the shimmering plains of cement, Palmerita scorching golf courses and general.
... As soon
crushed, dismantled, removed and paved, without remedy. Ni recovery. Neither will ever be what it was.
Who wants something in life like that for your country?

The answer to the question of Mayra is that those who love Puerto Rico do not want that and keep fighting, as do those of Sierra Club, the Coalition for the Defense of the Northeast Corridor and other groups that Fortuño government and the contractors that keep considers terrorists. Certainly this government's Such Is Life does not care because with the millions who take can live anywhere when the island was scorched. As I said one analyst, "capital has no homeland."

Friday, February 4, 2011

Laboratory Worksheet For Triple Beam Balance

Mayra Montero Daniel Galán Kerco: the goat who watches the lettuce in the DNER to help friends in the "Such Is Life" Boo

Even before being appointed as Secretary of the Department of Natural and Environmental Resources (DNER), had already warned of the serious conflicts of interest that would have been Galán Kerco by environmental consultant of several companies whose cases were pending in that agency. But as this government does not know what a real conflict of interest or care, Daniel Galán Kercado was confirmed as head of DNER with the commitment to "change the way we protect our environment." And the change came quickly! The first thing the governor Fortuño in October 2009 was remove the designation as a nature reserve of Northeastern Ecological Corridor (NEC), one of the most valuable natural areas in Puerto Rico, after which ordered the preparation of a new land use plan for the area. The new plan and special regulation proposed by the DNER and the Planning Board (PB) is ready and no public hearing on the same Saturday morning Fajardo. Today the sinister

Secretary publishes a column in The Spokesman entitled "Gran Reserva Natural: a paradise on Earth" which reacts to the "misinformation" that has been in the media about this "initiative." The "Great" added to Nature Reserve is another example of the use of doublespeak fortune in this administration, expert use words to mean the opposite of what you do . That is, to erase the fact that this Governor eliminated the designation as a nature reserve CEN and what they will do is to "chop into small pieces Corridor" according to the Sierra Club. As published by Galán Kerco in his column the only certainty of 6 events indicated to clarify the alleged incorrect information is that the "plan is in place (because they will spend what is say in public view where they spend all of it citizens.)

But back to the Secretary of the DNER, the Coalition Northeast Ecological Corridor issued a statement denouncing the proposed plan that would benefit entrepreneurs linked to Kerco Galán. According to this statement, the owner of the DNER "was a consultant to businesses of residential, commercial and tourist proposed in the Northeastern Ecological Corridor (NEC) and land adjacent to El Yunque, and that would be virtually approved the new plan Fortuño administration proposed for this region. "

The plan and special regulation proposed by the DNER and the Planning Board (JP) tries to leave no permanent protection around 500 acres which had been designated as part of the Natural Reserve of CEN, and where projects have been proposed such as the San Miguel Resort, the Dos Mares Resort, Playa Azul Center Mall, Paradise Found Villas, Seven Seas Resort, among others. South Corridor in the foothills of El Yunque, this would enable, among others, the construction of the Green Coast project, consisting of more than 740 homes and apartments, tourist and residential project Pitahaya, with 209 residences, 100 hotel rooms , including more than 150,000 ft2 of commercial space between both projects.

"We are deeply concerned that the relationship was now Secretary Trouser with project proponents in the corridor or surrounding land, and how this may have privileged access to these businessmen with meetings and other government procedures so that the CEN proposed plan was designed to house these projects. Especially when the government or invited or attended by one of the organizations and community groups that have promoted conservation and ecotourism development corridor for more than a decade, "complained Luis Jorge Rivera Herrera, planner and environmental scientist Initiative for Sustainable Development (IDS), and member of the Coalition for Northeast Ecological Corridor.

It reported that served as a consultant Kerco Galán for Pitahaya residential-tourist project, which is proposed for the area covered by the new plan of CEN and adjacent land, and is not allowed under the land uses established by JP . He also worked on projects in Vega Baja La Sabana, Brisas del Lago in Toa Alta, Maiden of the Sea and Torres de Cibeles, de Mora Development, corporation belonging to Mr. Cleofe Rubí González, brother of one of the main partners of the Dos Mares Resort, Mr. Luis Alberto Rubi. Obviously

Galán that Kercado and his friends of Such Is Life , Great Nature Reserve is undoubtedly "a paradise on Earth." Not for those who lose all this wonder that nature gave us and are juggling for the benefit of a few.

so I join the Sierra Club in its demand:

1. Not to approve the Land Use Plan, the Rules for Qualification and Nomination Paper Special Planning Area;
2. That restore the Nature Reserve designation of the Corridor as a whole;
3. Approve the Comprehensive Plan Corridor Nature Reserve, 2008;
4. Participation integrate Citizen

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thanks Letter For Service Hour

deserved: I would get all of this government which wants to give the