Monday, January 31, 2011

John Deere Snowmobile Wiring Diagram

face I join the condemnation of this assault by the police

The Caribbean Project for Justice and Peace, which runs Wanda Colon issued a statement denouncing what is clear is clearly a sexual assault against one of the students to be arrested for civil disobedience on Thursday 27 January. Press says that:

is unacceptable that a government which claims to defend the "Law & Order, allow torture young handcuffed behind his back and the humiliation of groping against students detained in the light of Worldwide flaunting their impunity.

We urge the Governor, the Superintendent of Police, administration at the University of Puerto Rico, and to the Procurator for Women, the Civil Rights Commission, the Senate and House of Representatives, to address immediately the gross violation of civil and human rights. Investigate and prosecute sex offenders from the police and the Strike Force that show immoral and abusive behavior. And the many complaints against the police for sexual harassment to the students within the campus of the University of Puerto Rico.

These macho aggression against students promote violence and disrespect for all women the country, for the bad example set by those who are supposed to protect citizens and respect their human and civil rights.

boricua in the blogosphere had been reported since the first time by Carmen Acevedo in his blog Enid Pesquisa Boricua then returned Elco Lao in a post on his own with the photo is proof of what complaint.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Best Ds Games Toddler

After what happened at the Capitol with students, Kike Estrada sent me new drawing

Kike Thanks for this contribution to my blog. As with the good cartoons there is no need to add words. However, I have to take this opportunity to point out the terrible inconsistency that the impact force of police Puerto Rico directs all its violence against unarmed young which are the best of our country and what they do is civil disobedience. Are the ones who are protecting free access to the university of the people for thousands of young serious further study to contribute to Puerto Rico. There are as many other heavily armed drug points in the same police protection or becomes a blind eye. What can you expect from a government that prefers to invest millions in prison and not in the education of youth?

also want to mention today's entry in Flashing where Rima Brusi, with his usual gift of word says in part:

Watching the scene from afar, it strikes me that if I were an alien, a foreigner or at least pretty clueless at the moment it seems to me that in college there is a terrible enemy. Printing, the image would be based on the amount and variety of police.

Then there is the sound. Police hierarchy that assured me that there are no "points" to disrupt, and you have to protect students who do want to take classes, university administrators to justify the madness of militarona intervention appealing to the violent actions of a mysterious hooded actions apparently , everyone disapproves.

But the fact is that at the time of arrest, no hooded, rarely arrest the masked, unless Tito Kayak, because that always want to arrest, but they seem to prefer, on the arrests that, boys and girls ordinary unarmed, captured while doing things as harmless as a megaphone to speak or deliver papers. Or sit on the floor.

Finally, Sir, to recommend the article in Digital Dialogue entitled " Controversy (en) Sweatshirt (da)" Similarly, Luis Grande react to editorial yesterday Spokesperson Friday explains everything about the arrest of the hooded and especially Tito Kayak. Do not miss it.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Best Plastic Pants

Jesus Davila shows once again what others are silent: the use of Students torture by police in Puerto Rico

This great Puerto Rican journalist now working for NCM News, "global information distribution system that is not affiliated with any other interest, whether financial, institutional or political, nor is a subsidiary of organization, entity or government. "So what other issues do not dare.

In this case, under the title of "Guards, horses and torture do not stop the strike in Puerto Rico", is something that at least I had not read or heard elsewhere. We knew what the guards and horses in the UPR but not the fact Davila says that as "National Police admits using" professional "torture techniques to arrest the strikers." Read what it says:

Sometimes the unequal battle has grotesque scenes, as when students advance against riot columns known as "Strike Force" with the horses of the mounted unit, whose riders in armor can not always control or displays of brute force when arresting civil disobedience sit in front of the entries in the Río Piedras Campus of the UPR. These recent cases led reporters to question his plea to the commander of the operation, Colonel Leovigildo Vazquez, who explained that members of these units act "professionally" because they have received some training sessions where they learn "pressure points to weaken the body" through "the pain" felt by young people to be arrested.

addition, after the arrests, the detainees were transferred to headquarters located in areas that are about drug smuggling points, in which gang leaders let them know their discomfort with the operation alters the environment for illegal business .

The police professionalism explanation given by Colonel Vázquez and sending prisoners to headquarters in potentially hostile jibe with the description in Article 303 of the Penal Code, which criminalizes torture as "intentional infliction of severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, upon a person whom the defendant has custody and control"

several decades ago in our history and after a university strike, it was found that the police headquarters were tortured students. We are back to everything and anything bad before the good.

(Kike Estrada The cartoon is published in today's issue of Rebellion but although it is not part of the article of Jesus Davila I found that comes in handy.)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Hmong Cheaters Movie To Buy

"Rodriguez Ema lies," says the owner of the Puerto Rico Daily Sun

I noticed this headline in Sunday's only English newspaper and the only non-proprietary millionaires in Puerto Rico. The owners are the journalists themselves who formed a cooperative where the former San Juan Star was closed by its owner (a Cuban who had bought it to get out in the press photographed at social events to go bankrupt and still owes money to half world). The current owners continue the tradition of serious journalism, but remain subscribed to the conservative editorial Scripps Howard News Service.

What do you mean by the headline "Rodriguez Ema Lies"? The news is the International News Service and refers to the reasons given by the Secretary of the Interior to justify the Governor Fortuño not reveal the names of convicted criminals, to which recently pardoned. Rodriguez Ema who accuses of lying is former Appellate Court Judge Hiram Sanchez.

Hiram According to Sanchez, it is not true that the Supreme Court - the decision citing Rodriguez-Ema has categorically forbidden to disclose the names of the convicts who were granted executive clemency. In fact, if he had said such a thing should amend the law according to Sanchez because it is not a private matter between the Governor and the person is given the executive pardon. He said that the names are important for a "monitoring" currency of power from the governor to grant such pardons because it is not the same thing to forgive a father who murders the man who raped his daughter to forgive a murderer gangster.

On the premise of a government that is characterized by lies, not surprising that we have identified one more. However, have been published in a newspaper that hardly anyone reads it as if it had not happened. But for that we are in the blogosphere.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

History Of Caribbean Clothing

The picture for the story. She

... This picture is perfect.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Could Choking On Water Cause Pneumonia?

, it has gone mad. Him, He loves.

A random butt was enough pa 'realize what I was going ... what I was feeling and what was happening.

After struggling with words and with egos and straw coolie Culiao mental, which prima discussions pounding heart, a sense of frenzy hyperventilation and brigades in the eyes and words. That she calls to "show" when in fact they both do exactly the same.

After the storm played the calm before sleep.

The decision was not touched.

Proposed by

He broke that, because he never resisted, not resist, and could never resist.

He touched her while she slept, or as he believed, he pretended to.

started by those tits so rich, so hot, so sexy she is and that he is addicted to sucking, literally grab and knead, the exquisite rhythm of the grip that are sending.

But this time there was no grip.

He was masturbating.

Gradually, her dream (which he believed at all times, it was fake), stirred, opened her legs hotter and hotter!

He began to play more than just her tits, ass down to that beautiful and gorgeous she is.

The burning and, while running the straw more brutally, from waking up while she was saying, "To", "we were left", "cum", "Go away."

He was already desperately grabbing her ass, hard!, And was moving at the pace moving his foreskin, at a pace that pajeaba!.

The thrust his finger into her vagina.

was all wet.


In a moment of frenzy, and moved enough to wake up ...


did not happen.

The single ended up grabbing her ass, closing his eyes, and imagining that she sat on him, sighing and panting like crazy name.

until he ejaculated.

until he left.

She said nothing, nor her, although he always thought that if she was awake.

In summary ...

She had gone mad

I had gone mad.

I had gone MAD!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Ice Grey Shirt What Color Tie

? .

a photo.


Sunday, January 9, 2011

How To Get Semen Stain Out

CREATION. a snap!



How Do I Prevent Lipoma

. Your breasts


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Kates Playground Strip[

morning. ERES

Let me be like the night, quiet and cautious. Let
guiding approach for my touch.
Let me caress your skin ... and enjoy our mosaic.

Let me get under the spell, dream and passion you feel you're dreaming
or in heaven? ...

As you begin to happen ... and started the day being a ... Tangled!


Give me that skin
your skin this skin I'll give my skin
Give me that body
your body I will give this body
my body ...

smelling you ..

that unique smell ...