Sunday, January 23, 2011

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"Rodriguez Ema lies," says the owner of the Puerto Rico Daily Sun

I noticed this headline in Sunday's only English newspaper and the only non-proprietary millionaires in Puerto Rico. The owners are the journalists themselves who formed a cooperative where the former San Juan Star was closed by its owner (a Cuban who had bought it to get out in the press photographed at social events to go bankrupt and still owes money to half world). The current owners continue the tradition of serious journalism, but remain subscribed to the conservative editorial Scripps Howard News Service.

What do you mean by the headline "Rodriguez Ema Lies"? The news is the International News Service and refers to the reasons given by the Secretary of the Interior to justify the Governor Fortuño not reveal the names of convicted criminals, to which recently pardoned. Rodriguez Ema who accuses of lying is former Appellate Court Judge Hiram Sanchez.

Hiram According to Sanchez, it is not true that the Supreme Court - the decision citing Rodriguez-Ema has categorically forbidden to disclose the names of the convicts who were granted executive clemency. In fact, if he had said such a thing should amend the law according to Sanchez because it is not a private matter between the Governor and the person is given the executive pardon. He said that the names are important for a "monitoring" currency of power from the governor to grant such pardons because it is not the same thing to forgive a father who murders the man who raped his daughter to forgive a murderer gangster.

On the premise of a government that is characterized by lies, not surprising that we have identified one more. However, have been published in a newspaper that hardly anyone reads it as if it had not happened. But for that we are in the blogosphere.


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