Monday, July 27, 2009

What Does A Broken Hymen Look Like


  • FOOD SOVEREIGNTY What is food sovereignty? Food sovereignty is the RIGHT of peoples, their countries or unions of States to define their agricultural and food policies, without dumping to third countries. The right of farmers to produce food and the right of consumers to decide what they consume and how and by whom it is produced.

    Where does the concept of food sovereignty? The concept of food sovereignty was developed by Via Campesina and brought to public debate during the World Food Summit in 1996, and offers an alternative to neoliberal policies. Since then, this concept has become a major issue of international agricultural debate, including within the United Nations bodies. Was the main theme of the NGO forum parallel to the World Food Summit of June 2002 FAO.
    neoliberal policies destroyed food sovereignty neo-liberal policies prioritize international trade, and not food for people. They have not contributed at all in the eradication of hunger in the world. On the contrary, have increased the dependence of the peoples of agricultural imports, and have strengthened the industrialization of agriculture, thus jeopardizing the genetic, cultural and environmental planet and our health. They have forced hundreds of millions of peasants (as) to abandon their traditional agricultural practices, to rural exodus or to emigration.

    Food sovereignty includes an international trade fair. Food sovereignty is not against trade but the priority given to exports: the people can ensure food security, while trading with other regions specific products which constitute the diversity of our planet. Necessary, under the aegis of the United Nations, these exchanges provide a new framework that:
    Prioritize local and regional production before export. Empower
    Countries / Unions to protect against imports at prices too low. Let
    public aids to farmers, provided they do not directly or indirectly serve to export at low prices.
    Ensure the stability of agricultural prices at the international level through international agreements of production control.

More info: (vide Jorge Rulli of Grupo de Reflexion Rural)

  • RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION For Responsible Consumption understand the choice of products and services not only based on their quality and price, but also for its environmental and social impact, and the conduct of companies that produce them.
    Another meaning of Responsible Consumption, consumption critical complement to the above definition, is one that involves eating less, choosing to consume only what is necessary and being aware of how advertising influences us in creating unnecessary needs.

    is an imperative of our time carrying out social change about our habits of consumption. The fundamental principle is that we are all responsible with our purchase of the social and environmental impacts of production.
    1) In the environment, supports life on Earth, taking into account that we give priority to products with lower environmental impacts and reduce consumption of limited natural resources we have.
    2) In people, taking and defending severally the obligation to ensure equal rights for all.
    When we add the adjective we hold our consumption signifying the importance of the consumer to choose between various options offered by the market of goods and services, taking into account the value the products
    social justice, ethics and solidarity , and environmental .
    The public can make their purchasing power as an important instrument of pressure, as it says a pioneer in these topics, you can "vote their values through his act of purchase. " Consumers and consumers have at their disposal the possibility of rewarding the best and rejecting the worst, requiring compliance with certain social security, labor and environmental protections.

    general environmental criteria can be considered in choosing a product:
    1) For product raw materials (resource conservation and low impact materials). That
    product raw materials come from recycling processes (100% recycled paper, pens and office furniture made from recycled plastic PP). That
    raw materials come from renewable resources sustainably managed (wooden furniture and FSC certified paper or similar). That
    raw materials have not been tested or trialled in animals (cleaning products).
    2) As the manufacturing process and product distribution (cleaner production, reuse of product components into disuse).
    That in the manufacturing process is taken into account the reduction of environmental impacts (water and energy, waste and emissions, including requirements for emissions of CO2.)
    That there are no toxic substances added to the health or the environment (eg certain dye allergens in work clothes). That
    product distribution is taken into account a model of efficient transport (use of biofuels, efficient vehicles, avoiding the emission of greenhouse gases, use of cycle courier, etc.)..
    3) Regarding the use of the product (efficiency, minimizing the consumption of auxiliary products, pollution prevention and product durability.)
    That the product is reusable.
    That the product is easily rechargeable (tonner, batteries, etc..).
    That the product is energy efficient (light bulbs, computers) or water (water saving systems).
    The product allows the use of renewable energy (biomass boilers).
    The product has a long shelf life.
    it be easily repaired.
    4) As at end of shelf life (use of mono-compatible materials and materials to facilitate recycling, modular easy to remove, material identification difficult to recognize by codes).
    That the product is recyclable.
    The product is composed of mono-materials to facilitate recycling.
    parts are clearly marked for identification and recycling.
    That has been reduced as much as possible and this is recyclable packaging Social and ethical criteria

    We can ensure that manufacturers and suppliers to ensure that the development of products or performance of their service have been complied with decent working conditions. In this sense, we can find information about its policies and management systems related to internal labor and outsourcing suppliers, and once informed, the best reward or punish the worst.
    We can also consider social criteria related to the labor market prioritizing the purchase of products or services developed by social economy enterprises, particularly those that provide employment opportunities disadvantaged groups (disabled, socially excluded or at risk of exclusion, etc.).

More info: v = pa-5tqOJD5o (Adolfo Boy of Grope de Reflexion Rural)


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