Monday, October 15, 2007

Emu Unterschied Bronte Stinger

Resistance actions ..

In rejecting the referendum illegal, in opposition to the continuous attacks of the bastards of this regime. Invite resistance cells carabobo to attend today, Tuesday 16 October to elevated cornfield at 6pm.

Candelita that goes ...
... that turns Redstart. Call

Part 1 Part 2 Call

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Breastfeeding To Husband Clips

A look at the not too distant future! Shares

Monday, October 8, 2007

Sores Around My Infected Lip Piercing

Readers Care and Durable,

opened a new blog ( ) in order to gather information to take action on D. The it is only intended to send information, ideas, future operations, contributions. All data will be Fitr and grouped, and then to have something concrete, to free the cells of resistance and then the general public (about a week before D-Day). Blog only available to persons invited (which will increase gradually).

for writing can do through her email to , and that until the day is, the info will not come out for security reasons. If you wish to contribute and join the action group, write your email with your name (no card), cell to which they belong, and two contact persons in these cells, and if you wish (recommended) a telephone (whether fixed or Movilnet CANTV).

Pestel Analysis Salon

Continuing Resistance Congress

The 1st. Ideological Congress of the Resistance, which started with great success this Sunday October 7th, 2007 at 11:30 am, simultaneously, in unison, in different parts of Venezuela, and Miami, will remain in session until October 12, 2007, the day of La Raza.
This first Congress is to establish the ideological principles of the Resistance to lay the basis for achieving unity of purpose with all sectors of life in Venezuela, and set the resistance as the only alternative to control the situation that will cause implode the illegitimate government of Venezuela and the seizure of power by a board of civilian-military government of plural, non-partisan character to rebuild the nation in a period not exceeding five (5) years to carry out a true and fair elections and transparent.
Also in this Congress are discussing ideas to optimize the struggle of the Resistance and to focus on the primary objective of this moment: Referendum prevent "Deform Unconstitutional." New cells
Disobedience, Resistance and Otpor have been created and have joined the Congress.
The Resistance is organizing to defend the Constitution. Remember that 2% of the population who are subtracted, ie 500,000 persons, or which is the same, 5,000 committees of disobedience, and Otpor resistance of about 100 people each, we will implisionar the illegitimate regime of tyrant and usurper Resistance Chávez.La murderer able to create the conditions for the government to implode.
During this week will continue the discussion, simultaneously and in unison across the country, and in Miami, and after October 12, they will be receiving the findings of each group in order to introduce you to Venezuela and the world our findings and proposals to achieve the unity of the resistance and the subsequent fall of the usurper and illegitimate government of Hugo ChávezDe this way , ORVEX and Javu join efforts to incorporate the unity of purpose to other political organizations, community, social, NGOs, workers, peasants, students, unions, professionals, whose names we reserve for the moment for obvious reasons of control strategy Final Battle Resistencia.La approaches. The D-Day is already written, and with it the fall of the usurper and illegitimate regime. We leave some
progress of the achievements so far from the ideological Congress of Resistance: Complies Cell
Resistance in Valencia Flor Amarillo
Complies resistance cell in Caracas
Complies resistance cell in Edo Miranda Los Teques
Complies Resistance cell in the Edo Sucre Sucre
Complies Resistance cell in the Edo Bolivar Bolivar
Complies Resistance Cell Valle de la Pascua in Guarico
Complies resistance cell in El Recreo Caracas
All these are added to those already existing in the country.
To join the resistance in Venezuela writes
If you are outside and want to help the Resistance in Venezuela, writes

What Is Baralgrin Used For

Ideological Resistance Press .. Images

In the framework of the unity of purpose, towards the creation of a front consolodidado of organizations opposed to the execution of an illegal and unconstitutional referendum, Venezuela Unida Active Youth ( Javu) of ORVEX hand, Force Development, Patriotic Front, the National Command of the Resistance, Struggle for Democracy, among other organizations, is pleased to invite you to begin to work together, Javu is offered as a bridge and platform for various movements and associations, all the speakers and members of different organizations from this platform play important roles, our philosophy is based on horizontal leadership, everyone according to their capacity and available.
already in the final, where many guabinas, our objective is to preach the resistance and to plan in detail every action to take when the day D, is not the time to discuss stagnate if we are to elections or not if you block or separately, whether it is good or not, the reform of the fundamental articles of the constitution, violate the principles of being Venezuelans, if Democrats Republicans for change of such magnitude the only possible process is the National Constituent Assembly to be convened by the propose changes to the constitution.
we stick to the current constitution, and we took shelter in their articles to defend them, know as required by 350 to any authority that would undermine our Constitution, we are in active civil disobedience, and offer resistance on the street.
This Sunday October 7 began the days of the Congress ideology of the Resistance, which aims to complete the unity of purpose of a conglomerate known as the street is the only way out, we are careful and prudent, but we must be realistic dictatorships do not get their votes, dictatorships is fighting in the street.
understand well the complex to enter into an active struggle against a regime armed and ready to shock groups, that is why he has promoted and organized Javu OTPOR cells in various states of the country, by city and parish, there must be coordination of each activity nationally, but they must also be a network of cells that can easily retreat.
as we established these organizations have different organizational lines that allow today has a network of cells and committees of disobedience in full contact. Invite
Well you do not run out, join the cry of resistance, help us to continue founding cells, any group willing to 7 or more people can form a resistance cell.
need to continue to grow and strengthen our platform, if you want to be part of Javu not hesitate to contact us, we need your support and your mind, we want to be a mailbox of great ideas.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Where Does The Cookie Patch Go

Cries in the Metro

 In a post titled: "Cries in the Metro" (ND) 
"came from Plaza Sucre station. As always people in a hurry. It was about 6:15 a.m..
 After several seasons had been careful, because there was something strange, a lot of buzz among users. 
 Surprise Someone shouts out loud:  Down with tyranny! Down with dictatorship!  
 better not. Everyone, without Excageración, began to scream the same sentence. 
 Some shouted: My neighborhood is ready to leave this government. 
 Others said only expect the order to leave this government! There was one 
 Chavez and left another in terror at the next station. 
 The uproar was tremendous. I came to my work and another surprise. I was told that several cars had happened 
 same. Many 
chance, but it dawned on my neighborhood.
 Down with tyranny! Down with dictatorship! Chavistas 
 comes the storm! 

Friday, September 28, 2007

How Long Should I Use Duraphat Toothpaste?

to reflect, post, display ...

Get License Number From Quickbooks

A documentary about the Reformation!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

What To Buy For Nerf Party At Home

La Libertad (as many people not mistaken)

Courtesy of: "gavilan63 (forista ND)

Despite the rationalist illusions, and even Marxists, all of world history is the history of freedom. Albert Camus

Despite having democracy organization and control, your life force is in the freedom of the individual. Charles Evans Hughes Am

free if my brother is still chained to poverty. Barbara Ward

Some imagine being free and not see the shackles that imprison them. JM

From the point of moral and intellectual, is a slave who has been deprived of the freedom of their trials and their will. Author Unknown

As the bone to the human body and the axle to the wheel, and a bird's wing, and air to the wing, so is liberty the essence of life. As without it is imperfect. José Martí

When there is money to be made very difficult freedom. Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

When words lose their meaning, people lose their freedom. Confucius

Where liberty dwells, there is my country. Benjamin Franklin

The love of freedom makes the indomitable human being invincible and nations. Benjamin Franklin

The God who gave us life gave us liberty at the same time. Thomas Jefferson

The man loves freedom, without knowing that he loves her and pushed her walking and running from where there is none. José Martí

The free man is always busy. Santos Vergara Badillo

The man has never found a definition for the word freedom. Abraham Lincoln

The people are not truly free while freedom is not rooted in their customs and identified with them. Mariano José de Larra

is free who lives according to their choice. Epictetus

is true that nobody can be certain of his perseverance ... But that uncertainty is another reason for humility, and evidence of our freedom. San Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer

I am absolutely convinced that no man loses his freedom but his own weakness. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

The difference between freedom and liberties is as great as between God and idols. Ludwig Borne

Freedom, build peace and make it bear fruit when, in the choice of means to achieve it, individuals are guided by reason and courageously take responsibility for your actions. His Holiness John Paul II

Freedom, when it begins to take root, is a plant that grows too fast. George Washington

Human freedom is more important than freedom of the motherland. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

freedom of man is guided by reason. Roger Patrón Luján

Freedom in the lower social classes is the power to choose to work or starve. Samuel Johnson

Freedom is the breath of life to every environment and every free creature without which it could grow or even exist for a short time. Adolfo Kolping

Freedom is the right to choose people who are obliged to limitárnosla. Harry S.

Truman Liberty is the right to do what they do not harm others. Fray Enrique Domingo Lacordaire, OP

Freedom is the instrument that God has placed in the hands of man to fulfill his destiny. Emilio Castelar Ripoll

Freedom is the only worthwhile goal in life. Epictetus of Phrygia

Freedom is right of each to choose their own enslavement. Ivan Guirior

Freedom is the greatest good. Ovid

Freedom is the bread that the people must earn by the sweat of their brow. Hugo Roberto de Lamennais

Freedom is the right of everyone to be honest, to think and speak without hypocrisy. José Martí

Freedom is a luxury that not everyone can afford. Otto Von Bismarck

Freedom is one of the most precious gifts that heaven gave men. Miguel de Cervantes y Saavedra

Freedom is not doing what you want, but what to do. Ramón de Campoamor

Freedom is nothing but an opportunity to be better. Albert Camus

Freedom is not an end; is a means to develop our strengths. Giuseppe Mazzini

Freedom does not make a man happy, he does, simply, man. Manuel Azana

freedom must first accept, then plan and finally enjoy it. Paco Rabanne

Freedom means responsibility, therefore, most of the men are so afraid. George Bernard Shaw

freedom without education is always a danger, education without freedom is empty. John F Kennedy

Freedom without goals and ideals, is more harmful than helpful. Arthur Graf

Freedom can not be granted: it must be conquered. Max Stirner

Freedom and health are similar: their true value is known when we are missing. Henri-François Becque

True freedom is a purely internal, as the true loneliness. Maximum Bontempelli

Freedom is the right of every man to be honest, to think and speak without hypocrisy .... A man who obeys a bad government is not an honest man. José Martí

Liberty and tyranny are false twins. Adolfo Kolping

Free is one that is not enslaved by any clumsiness. Cicero

Call me when you are in distress, I will deliver thee and thou shalt glorify me. Psalm 50:15

The greatest enemies of freedom are those who oppress them, but those who litter. Vincenzo Gioberti

freedom God's Wonderful, richly paid, if returned, the very thing that He has given us. Juan Luis Vives

freedom is more precious than the gift, because you lose. Father Baltasar Gracian and Morales

My happiness has always been the stability for freedom. Simón Bolívar

No one can be free without having learned before to free the others. Rabindranath Tagore

No person is free if not his own master. Epictetus

not free the man who can not control himself. Pythagoras

No gold enough to buy freedom. Aesop

To achieve freedom there is only one way: the contempt of the things that do not depend on us. Epictetus

To persevere in following the footsteps of Jesus, we need a continuous freedom, a love continuum, a continuous exercise of freedom itself. San Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer

For freedom and for honor, can and should risk one's life. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Who is free? Only someone who knows how to dominate their passions. Horacio

who lives afraid, never be free. Horacio

Remember that the secret of happiness is freedom, and the secret of freedom, courage. Thucydides Let

slaves of the law so that we can be free. Cicero

be free means to allow others to be free: free to loving, leaving, returning. Arthur Koestler

If you do not enjoy inner freedom what else you expect to enjoy freedom?. Arturo Graff

Without freedom, the world would be more than one mechanism. Fray Enrique Domingo Lacordaire, OP

Only the man who expects nothing is truly free. Edward Young

freedom only who wins the recapture every day. Johan Wolfgang von Goethe

only protect our freedom by protecting the other. Thomas Paine

Ten enjaularte freedom in love and live captive in the arms of God. Zenaida Argamasilla Bacardi

Todo hombre tiene libertad para hacer lo que quiera, siempre y cuando no infrinja la libertad de otro hombre. Herbert Spencer

Tu tarea de apóstol es grande y hermosa. Estás en el punto de confluencia de la gracia con la libertad de las almas; y asistes al momento solemnísimo de la vida de algunos hombres: su encuentro con Cristo. San Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer

¡Viva la libertad! El sol nunca ha iluminado un logro humano más glorioso. Nelson Mándela

Yo diría que sólo quien desee la libertad puede ser libre. Isaac Asimov

Yo nada más soy verdaderamente libre, cuando los seres humanos que around me, men and women are free too. Bacunin

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Volkl Catapault Racquets

The Guarimba - From the perspective of a citizen any .... Dr

Source: Friends @ forista "AD" in Noticiero Digital

Article not of my authorship but accurate and clear!

Suppose that one day someone gives the order, or just OBJECTIVES ARE GIVEN CONDITIONS myself to start civil disobedience and implement the much hyped Guarimba.

live in a neighborhood of Caracas, Los Palos Grandes and say all I have to do is go down to the door of my house and lock my street, right in front of my home. If this is done in unison on every street in every city in the country, we find that all of Venezuela would be paralyzed, at the mercy of anyone who would embasurarla completely. Are we right? Circulation would

paralyzed. Or rather, would not be allowed to travel to any vehicle.

questions begin: When we do the Guarimba? How long would it last? Do not think I could last long, because a country crippled little soon collapse. Is it day or night? I keep imagining

and suddenly, I see the crowded avenue. I see nothing but heads. You start screaming and shouting slogans. But everyone still in front of their houses, without moving an inch. The secondary crowd screaming. Noise is deafening. The cars caught in the middle do not stop playing their horns, are those they never knew they had not displaced.

and military police - loyal - go to put "order" in the population. But the collapse in the main streets is such that they can not mobilize. The areas allocated to the scheme have no problems. For police patrol there. Here the streets are clear. Salen

"circles" to put their particular "order" in the chaos. What if someone comes up to shoot first? There are two options: retreat to home, shooting or repel aggression. In the first case, the street would be free, but then replicated citizens again take to the streets. Here's the game. And I understood ... Should be well organized and coordinated. Street each other to lunch or dinner, others watching, etc. As we face our homes, we have the advantage of logistics and we can take turns at the barricades, if needed we are there, because in most cases do not have to make an appearance on the streets.

How all this end? "With a start - other - towards Miraflores to take the dictator? How would the final pressure?

Aha, now envision. An official cast some of the military dare, as happened in the Philippines. He takes the first step, defining, and bully their subordinates to be defined too. What side would the majority of the army? Against the people or against the dictator?

Within hours, no more, chaos is such that someone must make a radical decision. Now or never! This component of military force loyal to the people begin to mobilize toward the centers of power: Fort Tiuna, Miraflores, La Carlota, Army Headquarters, etc.

Depending on the degree of disorder, the minister can either run away or try to take control. And here is where it would become manifest once again to the value and courage of the true soldier and true citizen. Either the country or tyranny.

Someone, perhaps, begin to sing the national anthem and to hear what this soldier "down chains, may be interpreted to fight these new chains and join the throng of people who, in disobedience, is headed Miraflores.

Reminds me of this situation to what happened on 11-A. Almost heads rolled. A lot of them out of their apartments at the point of kicking and punching coscorrones (Rodriguez Chacin). Some even dared to protest the "abuse" (Tarek William). Others disappeared by hiding in not-be-know-what-chicken, to regroup later.
Suddenly, as often happens in these cases, we entered the White Palace. The guards disappeared. The staff was gone. And neither is the main tenant. It reminds me of the conquest of Saddam's palaces in Baghdad when the Americans get found nothing but luxury and solitude.

Where is the above? Nobody knows. Cockroaches, led by the largest cockroach, launched its contingency plan and disappeared without a trace. Maybe, at this hour, are already flying to the Caribbean region (Can you guess which?), But certainly not all.

people, crazy, look at all the chiriperos. Is needed to control the situation. Who will be the "cute" to take charge? No matter, anyone with half a brain and love the country!
What happens next ...? Is this the Guarimba?

Without much imagination, I can tell that, of course, is one of the few ways there are to end this once and for all. Quick, easy and low.

What are we waiting? On with it! Do not allow the rats to multiply in his lair and keep trampling civil liberties.

If this is conspiracy, I'm coup.

And proud!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Limited Power Of Attorney Template To Cash Check

Rodrigo Cabezas, Minister Nike

All In One Skeliton Pajamas

Hezboallah "in Venezuela?
this page, I hope your comments ..

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Carnation Breakfast Essentials Good For You?

Escarra (good) at the Boyer ... STUDENT LETTER

With the permission of "Tigerfish" (Noticiero Digital)

Hermann Escarrá at the Boyer
Lic Luis Ibarra Mega VL
Thursday, 20 September 2007.

only regret having so little time now (11:00 pm, just ended the call with Dr. Hermann Escarrá) and be so tired (I get up early tomorrow, Thursday 20) but I will share as you can from the wonderful experience who just live "in my area", with Dr. Hermann "350-333" Escarrá, at the Polideportivo de La Boyera, municipality of El Hatillo,

evening of Wednesday 19 September. Just a few minutes is when I got home after the event ... And I'm "stuck" on my computer!

The "crowd" ...

My cuaima, sorry, "Mrs. cuaima" and I almost regret we did not get to attend because despite walking "point" (8:00 pm) could not find, and at that time, almost where parking. From the northern entrance booth to the urbanization of Boyera (about two blocks and a half "plains" of Sports) the place was "atapusado" car ... and still kept coming more and more cars. As good "scouts" of the place, fortunately we found "some room" and there we parked the car (surrounded by cars to assemble on sidewalks and leaving only a small room to move, even in the "pocket" where we went).

many people know (neighbors most obviously), which had long without seeing, agglomerating to pass the entrance to the sports center. From Schianely Sylvia Suarez, the beautiful wife of my friend Professor Naudy Suarez, to Dr. (diplomatic) Juan Moreno Gómez, the parade of familiar faces seemed endless. Almost all portable chair with his coat, which is very successful as "far away"-from the entrance gate to the first tennis court, past the baseball field, an impressive crowd looked crushed, as it was years and years saw no many people join in my area of \u200b\u200bLa Boyera (even when times "really rough" RR and Fernandes Carlos Ortega and, yes, with that CTV and Fedecamaras, dictating the pace on TV).

detail which deserves recognition: Professor Suárez Naudy pending a problem with audio microphones (which was resolved in time) and project the film "The fall of a dictator: The Milosevic case (sorry if documentary I'm wrong now) in the room (tennis court) as "marking time" while waiting Hermann "350-333" Escarrá. His wife Sylvia very aware of those invited to receive input.

almost all young people and adults with cuaima ladies (who had not researched who, hehehehe). Also, the faces of politicians and "leaders" who although not "arch-known" (read: Respondents frequently in the "free media") you always remember them.

After entertaining talks at the entrance (and queens of carnival, waving the "llegantes" late) we decided to get y. .. there was practically no place to sit. Here I had no other expression than "A lack of good seats are buttocks" (Sit on the floor), especially those who heard complaining that they had no place to sit comfortably. Thank God human ingenuity never fails and we got to the top north retaining wall above the court-after tennis court (atapusada of people) where the call took place almost in the hope a place to smoke without disturbing ... but also that space is quickly point topped with whom we "discovered" by far.

comes Hermann "good" Escarrá ...

Naudy Professor Smith was the host in charge of welcoming you with a very interesting anecdote that I shape them here to do this review longer (perhaps in another letter was the count).

would be around 9:15 pm (by my watch) when Hermann became "350-333" Escarrá and the applause was deafening, as well as praise and shouts of "Go-lien-te!, Va -lien-te! ". Previously I reported this to one of the constitutional lawyer was just arriving by plane on a tour of the interior, at least I said.

In its eternal flux elegant black and white handkerchief in his lapel (as the super heroes, who always use the same "uniform"), Hermann was introduced and that's when I noticed the presence of Oscar Perez and Ivan Ballesteros . Feared that temperament "weighted" and opaque lawyer's calm voice and message in the midst of so much noise ... How wrong I was!, You'll see why ...

Talk Hermann ...

first thing he did was Hermann Escarrá apologize for being really tired after their grueling tours inside the country, announced on Thursday that left (out) for Spain, after his press conference at the Ateneo. For those who know him in person before, actually betrayed a deep weariness and again I thought that this "amortize" the impact of its long-awaited presence (again I was wrong).

I will not dwell on all he said (he said it would not extend far ...¡¡¡ But he said more than enough to start very strong and sustained applause !!!), so I'll go to the highlights and timely.

spoke of his Christian formation, religious studies and how the "have crossed with his current wife changed her destiny" (lots of approving laughter and applause.) He managed to convey the deep love and pride he feels for his wife and children and even joked with them (more laughter and applause.)

also very important, taught us a lesson in patriotism to talk about how he could have continued his life quietly and peacefully, as a teacher and researcher (myself really knew his extensive academic training, so many courses taken and degrees earned) and can be accepted Hermann offers from abroad to continue their activities outside the country and spend the rest of his years away from this troubled Venezuela and "safe" ... but ... CHOSEN TO STAY AND FIGHT, arguing that with what eyes could look at him tomorrow and tell their children that did not fight for his country when it is so demanded, that he could look at those eyes their children and tell them that he left his nation when it gave him the opportunity to give everything to try and save her from this nightmare dictatorial.

No airs, no arrogance shocking, without arrogance uncomfortable, made us the preamble to FIGHT BIRTH and the country that gave him everything he has achieved ... Of course, the applause did not stop! (There I noticed the large presence on stage of Hermann Escarrá, knowing when to raise his voice to be heard above the cheers and when returning to resume the thread of his speech without offending anyone, making the place the "exit" of These allow him to be heard even the most isolated places).

Hermann praised the conduct and control of both Ballesteros and Oscar Iván Pérez and of itself (it "lying" Mother recently and he responded with equal vehemence who appointed him to his mother). Was surprisingly pleased to hear of "If I enter it carajazos carajazos I return," criticizing the attitude of "victim" of those who "run to mourn" when the official line attack, when it is totally negative for the ears of the opposition . He also criticized those who walk in "comeflores" (my word, he delivered another involving the same) and tried "Negotiate" with whom he wants is to destroy all opposition.

I must not forget who spoke about the act "symbolic" of the document that was to deliver at a recent public institutions "only as a mere historical record" because he recognizes that "something legally void in the hands of those who are fully under the regime. "

As promised, "was to the point" and showed us the "bundle of leaves" on "reform" and items that took away our freedom and the homeland forever ... if not stop this collective madness soon. Thus, not extend beyond what is necessary, we were repeating what has previously explained in the University and elsewhere, something that most of my readers must have seen and heard in the video that has Megaresistencia and "swarm" of different forums.

The astonishment of those up tonight, "living on the moon" (do not find out what is happening around him, nor whether they mounted horns or not and if not already paid the light so that they are not cut, etc.) was really impressive. Point to Point, "laggards" to learn of the dreadful reality that we are immersed (and can drown if we do not react strongly), they kept laughing and even shocked by the crazy (and cruelly tyrannical) of Articles and, even worse, in the preamble, where it talks about something like that almost "establish the kingdom of God on earth" which caused more commotion.

Hermann apparently did not stop more than a dentist as a lawyer to leave "with his mouth open" to those present as unmasking the lethal poison was hidden in the reform, which aims to be more EQTC almost a " quasi-God "that a governor elected by the people and for the people, that gives this" the greatest happiness possible "(as I recall Bolivar said ... and who also spoke rightly Dr. Hermann Escarrá), prosperity and balance Social Democracy (None of this "rice with mango" called "Socialism of the XXI Century" that not even the red-rojito understand!).

... and so would be interesting, logical and convincing his explanation for the first time in years (I have attended these meetings at the Sports of The Boyera) people almost "did not blink" attentive to the explanations ... no one left the area until after the highly educated and extremely well documented presentation.

Hermann also spoke of the "March of No Return" (out in the streets and did not return until you have gone through this nightmare), but noting that "would not come to reveal details here (in the place, anticipating the inevitable infiltrators and "spies" of the regime), to which the public immediately, "captured the intent and background", bursting into applause of approval. At this point very well said (referring to the military) was not permissible to leave to massacre a village just for exercising their legitimate right to dissent, to express their views and struggle to save the nation that we are nearing completion of losing to forever.

also made it clear very clear that the question here is not to discuss the reform but to prevent it. In this he was sharp and elegant and subtly alluded to "the opportunistic phony war "(my words not his) they are wasting time and diverting attention from what really matters at this crucial time for Venezuela and its future and the future of our children and grandchildren. In the same way he spoke of the PRISA running (our days are numbered) and an "approximate date in November," in which decisive and definitely go into action.

already completed the act at the Boyer ...

For those God has allowed us to acquire a little culture, education and academic and personal "little something above average," he was really pleasant to listen to the undisputed extensive knowledge of different areas (especially history, literature and law) who gave us Dr. Hermann Escarrá along your message.

main thing is the encouragement they gave us presents and the motivation to "fight even beyond our own strength and life" to "give everything for their country", especially in the days that lie ahead of now.

And best of all, (I recalled the words of Jesus) asked us to all attendees that "the message propagáramos everywhere", relaying what he had just send us if we were really convinced of the Truth of his words (limit applies here, which I recognize something as a gesture of humility, "he said at the beginning of his discussion that he was neither perfect nor considered any" great speaker ").

asked us, all they can, on Thursday 20 September that we were witnessing the ceremony at 10:30 am will take place within the University and will be directed primarily to the military.

I think almost 99% of those who attended were still there when the teacher asked us Naudy Smith singing the National Anthem ... I also believe that we did more than one country with real emotion in who knows God how many years.

At the exit ...

We ran the Copei activist who recently tried to put some soldiers abused prisoners to their children, who, as I understood, one of whom graduated Summa Cum laudem and accusing them of crimes they did not commit and to top it with sentences of up to eight or more years in prison. If I'm not mistaken, this was in the east of the capital. Thank God the friend managed to rescue their children (but the anger is inside).

We were the last to go (and this humble lady cuaima "Scriptwriter") when sighted Ivan Ballesteros and he played several issues, among them that of the letter from Robert Alonso putting into question the integrity of the ongoing struggle of Hermann Escarrá. Ivan also told us that he had read the letter from Robert Alonso and tomorrow (Thursday) I called to talk to him. I will repeat to Ivan (friendly and a half in jest) my slogan many years ago:

"Better 1 month guarimba than 100 years of tyranny"

... Ballesteros friend repeated to me a clear sign of having heard. I asked him please do not forget to interview and take into account two other "giants" of this anti-Castro-Communism: Alejandro Pena Esclusa (Workforce Development, before the Democratic Bloc) and Dr. Ezequiel Zamora ... I said it would be very present and into his car.

... And here the river brought me today (I was exhausted but I think it was worth it, because tomorrow I will put several alarm clocks to wake up early).

Thank you for supporting all these years.

SPREAD this message to whoever thinks that might be of some use.

I exercised my sacred right to freedom of expression in this way is universal and free Internet (to mass as I can tell, if I get who I hear it), without forcing anyone to communicate with my ideas (as the scheme) or to read me this far.

They want.

Mr. José Luis Ibarra A. Social Communicator

PS I forgot to tell us "he recited from memory" Article 333, in which a duty to defend the current constitution (sorry oblivion, I'm exhausted)

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Smell Her Feet Tights


Sunday, September 9, 2007

Zombies Slingshot Pc Game


not be stupid, "Barter?, How is it that" we are not producing to make money "? So why does it occur? .. Animal ..

Zebra Print Skirt Hannah Montana

Provissual: "Hugo Chavez and the bullshit of the century"

A "Youtuberos" Provissual, posted this video:

¿Que Tal?

Friday, September 7, 2007

Burst Capillaries After Coughing In A Toddler

Boycott Referendum - How?

Step 1 .- Creat resistance cells [Done]
Step 2 .- Connect all cells, by means of sets of data [Done]
Step 3 .- Make a small proof of our effectiveness (Day D)
Step 4 .- Perform a protest at the right time.
Step 5 .- If the gobierto lashes out at us, run the national barricade.

Article 53:
Everyone has the right to meet publicly or privately, without permission, for lawful purposes and without weapons. The
meetings in public places is governed by the law.

Article 57:
Everyone has the right to freely express their thoughts, ideas or opinions orally,
writing or by any other form of expression, and to make use of any means of communication and dissemination, without any established
censorship. Anyone making use of this right assumes full responsibility for everything expressed.
not allowed Anonymity, war propaganda, discriminatory messages or those promoting religious intolerance.

censorship is prohibited to public officials or public servants to account
matters within their responsibilities.

Article 68:
Citizens have the right to manifest, peacefully and unarmed, with no requirements other than those established by law

The use of firearms and toxic substances to control peaceful demonstrations. The law shall regulate the actions of the police
security and public order control.

Article 333:
This Constitution shall not lose its effect if it ceases to be observed due to acts of force or because or repeal in any manner other than as provided

In such eventuality, every citizen or citizen vested or not vested with authority, have the duty
collaborate in the restoration of its actual effect.

Article 350:
The people of Venezuela, true to their republican tradition and their struggle for independence, peace and freedom,
disown any regime, legislation or authority that violates values, democratic principles and guarantees or encroaches upon human rights

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Meanings Of The Colour Of Shag Bands

POPULAR RESISTANCE the Venezuelan people.

The Movement student resistance is directed to the people of Venezuela with a deep sense of struggle and active participation, civic, peaceful and democratic framed in the Constitution of the Republic, to secure position on the attitude of complicity of some political parties address the current crisis facing the nation tell the citizens and especially to the bases of those same parties that only make policies function and individual personal interests, characterized by the ambition of power and completely away from their duties to the Venezuelan people and especially with the sacred and unquestionable duty to strengthen and even more to rescue the system of freedom and a genuine rule of law.

When we listen to spokespersons of political parties to discuss the project of constitutional reform as evidence undoubtedly Civil Society see in the coming months, parties participating in election campaign and openly in a referendum in which they know that their participation will benefit the country but benefit the totalitarian regime of Hugo Chavez, and will even more serious betrayal of accomplice country, institutions and especially to dreams and hopes of people yearning to live in freedom knowing that the electoral umpire is under the command and absolute control of the dictator of Miraflores.

Thus we strongly condemn these political parties who brazenly walk and agreeing and negotiating their participation in the Advisory Refendum to reform the 1999 constitution and so along with Hugo Chavez and his servile flattering state will give you a thump to the constitution and the laws making them co-participants in the perpetuation of the dictator in power and the total elimination of all vestiges of democracy and freedom. Demonstrating

and civil society to so vile and outrageous as treason to the homeland and how they play the role of cooperators in the nationalization of some of the most railways dictatorships. Consequently we reiterate our commitment to the people of Venezuela with whom we have a bond of brotherhood, solidarity and a feeling of national pride that binds us relentlessly to express our unconditional support and continuing in this fight together we undertaken for the full recovery of democracy and freedom to have broken the chains that oppress us.

"We are not destabilizing. We are creators of a new Venezuela."

Popular Resistance
Student Resistance Student For Freedom

Fight Until Victory is

As John Paul II said, "wake up it's time to react" because if we keep running as if nothing will be too late when we realize that ALL GOING .... SO NO LONGER HAVE NOTHING Of what we dream AND LESS THAN WHAT WE HAD.
always said with great confidence and courage: "Do not be afraid ...

Courtesy: forista ND" resistenciaestudiantilve "

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Wainscoating In Bathroom

Friday, August 31, 2007

Nikon Prostaff4x32 Rimfire Scope

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Lumbar Stenosis Epidural

Gas Mask Cositas useful ...


Monday, August 27, 2007

My Cervical Mucus Is Like Snot

What to do before the tear gas


Tear gas: What to do What are they?

These gases are hydrocarbon compounds and therefore soluble in fat than their effects are used to disperse demonstrations. These are chemical weapons.

What are its effects?

tear gases cause redness of the eyes, spasms of the eyelids to close, tearing, irritation of the airways causing shortness of breath, cough, nausea and vomiting. On the skin may cause burns.

What can we do to prevent or lessen its effects?

In terms of clothing, are not suitable genres such as flannel or the like, as the perspiration enhances the effect of gas. Similarly, it is inappropriate to wear small clothes that leave the skin on display. In the case have long hair, it should collect under a hat or scarf, as the gas permeates the hair, prolonging its effect. If possible, do not wear contact lenses.

running If your kit does not include anti-gas mask, we recommend a handkerchief soaked in vinegar for cover your nose and mouth. For added protection you can wear a mask or a surgeon's mask painter and put out his handkerchief with vinegar. If vinegar fails, you soak the tissue in water or soaked in lemon juice. The damp cloth is able to filter the gases more effectively. In any case, the tissue or cloth, should not be too big nor too thick, as this would hamper his breathing.

can use ammonia-saturated cotton. Strongly aspirational and helps clear the airways. Its use should be spaced in time and limited in their doses (one or two applications). People with asthma or other respiratory diseases, is preferable to refrain from its use. As the ammonia evaporates quickly, it is necessary to have one or more persons carrying a container with the item.

is also some use sucking lemon wedges. Salt can be applied under the eyes, absorbing the secretion of tear tear generating gs. Swimmer lenses or goggles are a good eye protection.

The effects of tear gas can be harmful to the fetus, so if you are pregnant or suspect you join us from home.

Tear gas can induce asthma episodes, so if you have asthma, bring your inhaler and leave the event at the first sign of tear gas. Similar care should be a person who suffers from heart disease.

Although it is assumed otherwise, avoid smoking during mobilization, decreasing the respiratory capacity, which are affected by the gas.

What to do with a tear gas attack?

In general, it is possible to determine when the attack is imminent, at that time and especially in public, try to determine the existence of breeze or wind, and direction. This helps to avoid the most successful gas.

The first reaction to the firing of tear gas must be calm. Given the characteristics of projectile, size and design mean a greater air resistance, so there is a period of time in which one can note the direction and possible location of the bomb drop. Of course, this depends on the type of pump, the distance the police from demonstrators and shooting angle which the projectile was fired (in a straight line or a parabola). In any case, it is essential not to lose sight of the missile or its wake, not to give back to the police and not run. Before firing a tear gas bomb may fall back quickly, without losing control. All this aims to try to prevent the bullet hits the body.

protection of the nose and mouth starts when fired tear gas, not when they have fallen in the vicinity and have started to expand the gas, the goal is to inhale as little as possible of it.

Neutralization of tear gas can be attempted in various ways: by covering it with a thick cloth and wet by covering it with earth, submerged in a container with water fast burning combustion material located very close to the tear gas canister. For all purposes, it should take teargas industrial gloves or coarse wet cloth to prevent burns. Any of these methods requires a rapid response capacity, because gas expands with speed. This implies that the implements required for neutralization should be prepared in advance and defined the responsibility for this task.

Return of teargas bombs can be carried by hand or foot. In both cases there are risks: to return the hand pump, gas envelop who throw; to do with the foot, the direction of travel of the pump is often uncertain. Overall, in two ways, the end result is more symbolic than concrete, since gas continues to spread and extent of the return does not usually go beyond fifty yards.

In any event, try to leave the affected area, looking for fresh air. If the tear gas surrounding the people everywhere or is in a pocket closed, unable to leave, do not run or shaken, and that respiratory activity increases, making breathing more gas. The question must throw to the floor, eyes closed and breathing through cloth or tissue. The gas tends to rise, and should be expected that status at the position described. It is one of the most extreme situations and requires the affected maintains a large control nerves. In this circumstance is likely to emerge like throwing up, try not to cough (if that is possible) because this will make breathing more gas, you should not open their eyes and less touch them, as this allows greater gas absorption.

If possible, after a tear gas attack, try to find an area with fresh air. It is convenient to relax the body activity, sitting or lying on the floor, breathing deeply the air. If possible, it should anguage mouth with water and clean the nostrils. No need to wet the rest of the face and under the eyes, because it increases the effect of the gas.

Finally, to return home There used to remove clothing in the event as expeditiously as possible, especially if the children are home. When bathing, to remove waste gases in the skin, it should not rub

Friday, August 24, 2007

Men Touching Women In Bus

How Much Cavity Filling Cost

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Cubefield Game On Coolmath

The Hojilla - August 9

Part I (very good)

Part II Part III

Part IV

Saturday, August 11, 2007

What Does A White Dog On Facebook Chat Mean

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Best Way To Make Instant Gravy

Second release 'Inscricciones'

Runvo to Zosialismo!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

What Is Mini Cooper Safety Rating

Missions Press readers and activists

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Fridge Damage Magnets

Attention! Pictures

everything is already coordinated to perform an action that took time to plan, and many other things, remember that nothing is achieved by doing things overnight, all must be gradually done well, because, otherwise, we fall hard.

Below is the Email address, Msn Messenger, anyway I put it here: .. Forget not our horizon, unity, organization, we all have to contribute, and not wait for anyone else says we have to do ...

resistance worked in Serbia, is applied in other Paice, Venezuela has with that .. RESISTANCE


Hair Stylist Retirement

Consider ...

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Kate Playground The Riveter Full Set

violence is fear of the ideals of others.
Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) Political and Indian thinker.

eye for an eye and the whole world blind.
Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) Political and Indian thinker. The

Violence is the last resort of the incompetent.
Isaac Asimov (1920-1992) U.S. writer and biochemist.

Violence creates more social problems than it solves.
Martin Luther King (1929-1968) American religious.

What you get with violence, can only be maintained by violence.
Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) Political and Indian thinker.

incommunicability distrust, is the source of all violence.
Jean Paul Sartre (1905-1980) French philosopher and writer.

Media give us freedom violent violent.
Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) Political and Indian thinker.

Violence is afraid of the ideas of others and little faith in themselves.
Forge Forges Antonio (1942 -?) Comedian English.

violence is merely an expression of fear.

Arturo Graf (1848-1913) Italian writer and poet.

Any reform imposed by violence will not fix anything wrong.
Good sense does not need violence.

Stomach Ulcer Why Scan

phrases Governors and Mayors: Forget about reelection! Foreign

President of the Republic, Hugo Chávez, said today that the unlimited re-election bid to be included in the constitutional reform should be only for the president and do not include state governors and mayors. "If here is re-election continues, or whatever, should be only for the president, not for governors and mayors. No, forget it, "he said.
