Wednesday, September 26, 2007

What To Buy For Nerf Party At Home

La Libertad (as many people not mistaken)

Courtesy of: "gavilan63 (forista ND)

Despite the rationalist illusions, and even Marxists, all of world history is the history of freedom. Albert Camus

Despite having democracy organization and control, your life force is in the freedom of the individual. Charles Evans Hughes Am

free if my brother is still chained to poverty. Barbara Ward

Some imagine being free and not see the shackles that imprison them. JM

From the point of moral and intellectual, is a slave who has been deprived of the freedom of their trials and their will. Author Unknown

As the bone to the human body and the axle to the wheel, and a bird's wing, and air to the wing, so is liberty the essence of life. As without it is imperfect. José Martí

When there is money to be made very difficult freedom. Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

When words lose their meaning, people lose their freedom. Confucius

Where liberty dwells, there is my country. Benjamin Franklin

The love of freedom makes the indomitable human being invincible and nations. Benjamin Franklin

The God who gave us life gave us liberty at the same time. Thomas Jefferson

The man loves freedom, without knowing that he loves her and pushed her walking and running from where there is none. José Martí

The free man is always busy. Santos Vergara Badillo

The man has never found a definition for the word freedom. Abraham Lincoln

The people are not truly free while freedom is not rooted in their customs and identified with them. Mariano José de Larra

is free who lives according to their choice. Epictetus

is true that nobody can be certain of his perseverance ... But that uncertainty is another reason for humility, and evidence of our freedom. San Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer

I am absolutely convinced that no man loses his freedom but his own weakness. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

The difference between freedom and liberties is as great as between God and idols. Ludwig Borne

Freedom, build peace and make it bear fruit when, in the choice of means to achieve it, individuals are guided by reason and courageously take responsibility for your actions. His Holiness John Paul II

Freedom, when it begins to take root, is a plant that grows too fast. George Washington

Human freedom is more important than freedom of the motherland. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

freedom of man is guided by reason. Roger Patrón Luján

Freedom in the lower social classes is the power to choose to work or starve. Samuel Johnson

Freedom is the breath of life to every environment and every free creature without which it could grow or even exist for a short time. Adolfo Kolping

Freedom is the right to choose people who are obliged to limitárnosla. Harry S.

Truman Liberty is the right to do what they do not harm others. Fray Enrique Domingo Lacordaire, OP

Freedom is the instrument that God has placed in the hands of man to fulfill his destiny. Emilio Castelar Ripoll

Freedom is the only worthwhile goal in life. Epictetus of Phrygia

Freedom is right of each to choose their own enslavement. Ivan Guirior

Freedom is the greatest good. Ovid

Freedom is the bread that the people must earn by the sweat of their brow. Hugo Roberto de Lamennais

Freedom is the right of everyone to be honest, to think and speak without hypocrisy. José Martí

Freedom is a luxury that not everyone can afford. Otto Von Bismarck

Freedom is one of the most precious gifts that heaven gave men. Miguel de Cervantes y Saavedra

Freedom is not doing what you want, but what to do. Ramón de Campoamor

Freedom is nothing but an opportunity to be better. Albert Camus

Freedom is not an end; is a means to develop our strengths. Giuseppe Mazzini

Freedom does not make a man happy, he does, simply, man. Manuel Azana

freedom must first accept, then plan and finally enjoy it. Paco Rabanne

Freedom means responsibility, therefore, most of the men are so afraid. George Bernard Shaw

freedom without education is always a danger, education without freedom is empty. John F Kennedy

Freedom without goals and ideals, is more harmful than helpful. Arthur Graf

Freedom can not be granted: it must be conquered. Max Stirner

Freedom and health are similar: their true value is known when we are missing. Henri-François Becque

True freedom is a purely internal, as the true loneliness. Maximum Bontempelli

Freedom is the right of every man to be honest, to think and speak without hypocrisy .... A man who obeys a bad government is not an honest man. José Martí

Liberty and tyranny are false twins. Adolfo Kolping

Free is one that is not enslaved by any clumsiness. Cicero

Call me when you are in distress, I will deliver thee and thou shalt glorify me. Psalm 50:15

The greatest enemies of freedom are those who oppress them, but those who litter. Vincenzo Gioberti

freedom God's Wonderful, richly paid, if returned, the very thing that He has given us. Juan Luis Vives

freedom is more precious than the gift, because you lose. Father Baltasar Gracian and Morales

My happiness has always been the stability for freedom. Simón Bolívar

No one can be free without having learned before to free the others. Rabindranath Tagore

No person is free if not his own master. Epictetus

not free the man who can not control himself. Pythagoras

No gold enough to buy freedom. Aesop

To achieve freedom there is only one way: the contempt of the things that do not depend on us. Epictetus

To persevere in following the footsteps of Jesus, we need a continuous freedom, a love continuum, a continuous exercise of freedom itself. San Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer

For freedom and for honor, can and should risk one's life. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Who is free? Only someone who knows how to dominate their passions. Horacio

who lives afraid, never be free. Horacio

Remember that the secret of happiness is freedom, and the secret of freedom, courage. Thucydides Let

slaves of the law so that we can be free. Cicero

be free means to allow others to be free: free to loving, leaving, returning. Arthur Koestler

If you do not enjoy inner freedom what else you expect to enjoy freedom?. Arturo Graff

Without freedom, the world would be more than one mechanism. Fray Enrique Domingo Lacordaire, OP

Only the man who expects nothing is truly free. Edward Young

freedom only who wins the recapture every day. Johan Wolfgang von Goethe

only protect our freedom by protecting the other. Thomas Paine

Ten enjaularte freedom in love and live captive in the arms of God. Zenaida Argamasilla Bacardi

Todo hombre tiene libertad para hacer lo que quiera, siempre y cuando no infrinja la libertad de otro hombre. Herbert Spencer

Tu tarea de apóstol es grande y hermosa. Estás en el punto de confluencia de la gracia con la libertad de las almas; y asistes al momento solemnísimo de la vida de algunos hombres: su encuentro con Cristo. San Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer

¡Viva la libertad! El sol nunca ha iluminado un logro humano más glorioso. Nelson Mándela

Yo diría que sólo quien desee la libertad puede ser libre. Isaac Asimov

Yo nada más soy verdaderamente libre, cuando los seres humanos que around me, men and women are free too. Bacunin


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