Saturday, September 22, 2007

Volkl Catapault Racquets

The Guarimba - From the perspective of a citizen any .... Dr

Source: Friends @ forista "AD" in Noticiero Digital

Article not of my authorship but accurate and clear!

Suppose that one day someone gives the order, or just OBJECTIVES ARE GIVEN CONDITIONS myself to start civil disobedience and implement the much hyped Guarimba.

live in a neighborhood of Caracas, Los Palos Grandes and say all I have to do is go down to the door of my house and lock my street, right in front of my home. If this is done in unison on every street in every city in the country, we find that all of Venezuela would be paralyzed, at the mercy of anyone who would embasurarla completely. Are we right? Circulation would

paralyzed. Or rather, would not be allowed to travel to any vehicle.

questions begin: When we do the Guarimba? How long would it last? Do not think I could last long, because a country crippled little soon collapse. Is it day or night? I keep imagining

and suddenly, I see the crowded avenue. I see nothing but heads. You start screaming and shouting slogans. But everyone still in front of their houses, without moving an inch. The secondary crowd screaming. Noise is deafening. The cars caught in the middle do not stop playing their horns, are those they never knew they had not displaced.

and military police - loyal - go to put "order" in the population. But the collapse in the main streets is such that they can not mobilize. The areas allocated to the scheme have no problems. For police patrol there. Here the streets are clear. Salen

"circles" to put their particular "order" in the chaos. What if someone comes up to shoot first? There are two options: retreat to home, shooting or repel aggression. In the first case, the street would be free, but then replicated citizens again take to the streets. Here's the game. And I understood ... Should be well organized and coordinated. Street each other to lunch or dinner, others watching, etc. As we face our homes, we have the advantage of logistics and we can take turns at the barricades, if needed we are there, because in most cases do not have to make an appearance on the streets.

How all this end? "With a start - other - towards Miraflores to take the dictator? How would the final pressure?

Aha, now envision. An official cast some of the military dare, as happened in the Philippines. He takes the first step, defining, and bully their subordinates to be defined too. What side would the majority of the army? Against the people or against the dictator?

Within hours, no more, chaos is such that someone must make a radical decision. Now or never! This component of military force loyal to the people begin to mobilize toward the centers of power: Fort Tiuna, Miraflores, La Carlota, Army Headquarters, etc.

Depending on the degree of disorder, the minister can either run away or try to take control. And here is where it would become manifest once again to the value and courage of the true soldier and true citizen. Either the country or tyranny.

Someone, perhaps, begin to sing the national anthem and to hear what this soldier "down chains, may be interpreted to fight these new chains and join the throng of people who, in disobedience, is headed Miraflores.

Reminds me of this situation to what happened on 11-A. Almost heads rolled. A lot of them out of their apartments at the point of kicking and punching coscorrones (Rodriguez Chacin). Some even dared to protest the "abuse" (Tarek William). Others disappeared by hiding in not-be-know-what-chicken, to regroup later.
Suddenly, as often happens in these cases, we entered the White Palace. The guards disappeared. The staff was gone. And neither is the main tenant. It reminds me of the conquest of Saddam's palaces in Baghdad when the Americans get found nothing but luxury and solitude.

Where is the above? Nobody knows. Cockroaches, led by the largest cockroach, launched its contingency plan and disappeared without a trace. Maybe, at this hour, are already flying to the Caribbean region (Can you guess which?), But certainly not all.

people, crazy, look at all the chiriperos. Is needed to control the situation. Who will be the "cute" to take charge? No matter, anyone with half a brain and love the country!
What happens next ...? Is this the Guarimba?

Without much imagination, I can tell that, of course, is one of the few ways there are to end this once and for all. Quick, easy and low.

What are we waiting? On with it! Do not allow the rats to multiply in his lair and keep trampling civil liberties.

If this is conspiracy, I'm coup.

And proud!


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