Friday, September 7, 2007

Burst Capillaries After Coughing In A Toddler

Boycott Referendum - How?

Step 1 .- Creat resistance cells [Done]
Step 2 .- Connect all cells, by means of sets of data [Done]
Step 3 .- Make a small proof of our effectiveness (Day D)
Step 4 .- Perform a protest at the right time.
Step 5 .- If the gobierto lashes out at us, run the national barricade.

Article 53:
Everyone has the right to meet publicly or privately, without permission, for lawful purposes and without weapons. The
meetings in public places is governed by the law.

Article 57:
Everyone has the right to freely express their thoughts, ideas or opinions orally,
writing or by any other form of expression, and to make use of any means of communication and dissemination, without any established
censorship. Anyone making use of this right assumes full responsibility for everything expressed.
not allowed Anonymity, war propaganda, discriminatory messages or those promoting religious intolerance.

censorship is prohibited to public officials or public servants to account
matters within their responsibilities.

Article 68:
Citizens have the right to manifest, peacefully and unarmed, with no requirements other than those established by law

The use of firearms and toxic substances to control peaceful demonstrations. The law shall regulate the actions of the police
security and public order control.

Article 333:
This Constitution shall not lose its effect if it ceases to be observed due to acts of force or because or repeal in any manner other than as provided

In such eventuality, every citizen or citizen vested or not vested with authority, have the duty
collaborate in the restoration of its actual effect.

Article 350:
The people of Venezuela, true to their republican tradition and their struggle for independence, peace and freedom,
disown any regime, legislation or authority that violates values, democratic principles and guarantees or encroaches upon human rights


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